Nigeria: Femi Pedro At 70 – Between Fate and Diligence

[This Day] According to Edward Morgan Forster, English novelist, and short story writer, “failure and success seem to have been allotted to men by their stars. But they retain the power of wriggling, of fighting with their star or against it, and in th…

Nigeria: Towards a Cohesive Security Approach (1)

[Premium Times] Two books were billed for presentation on that day. One of them was entitled: The Power of Information Sharing: Antidote to Nigeria’s Security Threats. That title instantly attracted my attention as I looked at the invitation card.

Zimbabwe: Unique Library for Children a Big Hit

[The Herald] A six-year-old bends over a brightly illustrated story book, lips moving and deep in concentration; two brothers look through Wind in the Willows; while an older boy reads quietly at a bench. This was the scene yesterday morning at Marande…